
Brilliant Active Ingredient

collagen + elastin, q10, cod liver oil
vitamin c, e, b6, b8, b5, zinc, copper

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Limited Edition

Me 909+

selected ingredients

Perfect skin is above all, healthy skin Have no any fine lines or wrinkles, it is the quality of the skin that reflect the secret of beautiful, shiny and healthy skin.
Each woman has her own idea of beauty but for most, ultimate beauty manifests itself when the body and soul are in harmony – this is when enduring, natural beauty and radiance shine from within.

The word “collagen” comes from the Greek word “kola”, which means glue.
Collagen is indeed the “glue” that holds our tissues together, as it is the main structural protein in the extracellular matrix in our connective tissue and makes up our skin and cartilage.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body we have

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Ingredient in details

What a horrible start to your day using cod liver oil routine, Cod liver oil is an incredible source of health-promoting DHA & EPA omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin D cod liver oil in liquid form is excellent for hyperpigmentation, especially in the form of acne scarring & discoloration from repeated facial breakouts. they contain a world of good-for-your-skin benefits

CoQ10 is the short name for Coenzyme Q10, also known as Ubiquinone.
It’s a nifty little compound that our body makes naturally with powerful antioxidant properties to protect us from environmental stressors

But As normal CoQ10 production doesn't get better with age But thanks to science, you can give your body a boost by taking M909+ as a daily routine in order to enhance your beauty.

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